AcupunctureAcupuncture was developed thousands of years ago in China. Acupuncture points spread all over the body are used to balance the body´s Qi (energy) and induce a self healing process. Some antique Chinese points may be used. However, a system of meridians and phases transposed from human acupuncture is more commonly used in modern equine acupuncture. A Western diagnosis cannot be used for acupuncture treatment. Many times a Western diagnosis is a combination of many different imbalances. |
equine ear acupuncture |
Proper acupuncture diagnosis is done by inspection, smell ,pulse diagnosis, and most importantly, palpation of diagnostic acupuncture points. Only an examination of this kind can lead to a proper acupuncture diagnosis and choice of treatment points. The points are sedated or stimulated in many different ways. Other treatment options include Moxa, electro stimulation or laser therapy. |
moxa |
Due to the relaxing effect of acupuncture it is very effective to combine the it with osteopathy. The effect is more than additive. |
equine breast acupuncture |
equine electro acupuncture |